The abbey at Melk
Photo: Colin Talcroft |
Saturday, June 23: The SRSYO musicians toured the centuries-old Benedictine abbey at Melk on the way to Vienna, a nice break on a day spent mostly in transit. The tour included a look at some of the treasures of the abbey, including illuminated manuscripts, jeweled chalices, and paintings, but the highlights of the tour probably were the library rooms, lined with thousands of volumes bound in leather and lettered with gold leaf, and the sumptuous baroque church. From the abbey terraces we got our first views of the Danube (which, however, was not blue).
Interior view of the Baroque church
at the abbey at Melk, near Vienna
Photo: Colin Talcroft |
Sammie Moore (viola) said "I was so tired I was more interested in sleeping than in the tour until I saw the Church! I fell asleep in the church, but I got to see it." Mia Fleischer-de Kozal (violin) agreed, saying "The church was my favorite part. I have no words to describe it. It's hard to imagine how much work it must have been to build it."
Schrammelmusik in the wine cellar of the home of
Sara and Ed Kozel, Vienna
Photo: Colin Talcroft |
In the evening, the tour group was graciously hosted by Sara and Ed Kozel at their home in the Vienna suburbs. Mrs. Kozel is a Santa Rosa Symphony board member. After a meal of traditional Austrian food in the garden, we were treated to a performance of Schrammelmuzik, a folk tradition that developed in Vienna in the 18th century. In the vaulted brick wine cellar of the house, two violins (bowed in a distinctively scratchy style), an accordion-like instrument, and a 13-stringed guitar with two necks made up the ensemble. Singing included Viennese yodeling that generated a lot of appreciative giggling. Mina Burns (violin) said "The house was beautiful, but the music was the best part. It was fun to listen to someone else play." Grant Bramham (percussion) was taken by the extensive use of modulation and sudden changes in time signature, saying "it was very impressive!"
Sleeping on the bus after a hard day of
traveling and sightseeing
Photo: Colin Talcroft |
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