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Heading Home

SRSYO musicians, chaperones, and symphony staff are heading home today, flying out of Budapest to Munich for the connection back to San Francisco. It seems like yesterday that we were in Munich finding for the first time the tour buses that have become so familiar in the last ten days. Everyone is in their blue T-shirts for the journey home. Time to look back at a very successful tour. I asked some of the musicians to look back over the trip and tell me how they feel now that it's over. Thomas Gosnell (trombone) said "It went by super quick. I feel like it was the shortest trip I've ever taken and the longest." Elexa Yee (cello) said "I didn't think I was going to like Europe, but now I want to study abroad here." Brian Barnes (tuba) said "I love how on every street and every corner there's history here in Europe. I'm definitely going to come back and live here for a year or two." "I came into this tour not having been out ...

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